The Great Gig in the Sky

Hej alla glada!

Just nu satt jag vid datorn o sorterade mina filmer efter regissören, men jag kunde inte koncentrera mig så värst mkt. Det kanske berodde på att jag satt o lyssnade på ett av mina favvo band, ”Pink Floyd”, o hur mycket de har betydd för mig på den senaste tiden. Det måste ha varit verkligen genialiskt att vara på en av deras show.

Jag började tänka på Roger Waters o brevet han skrev till Chile efter jordbävningen. Haha jag älskar hans humor o jag kan ba inte säga mer en tack. Tack Roger Waters, för allt. Haha han kommer absolut aldrig läsa det här, men det gör inget.

I can still dream about it :P


Han skickade brevet till ”Radio Futuro”, Chiles största rock radio o här får ni va han skrev:

Dear Hernan:

I remember very well of you, as well as the moments experienced in Chile. Chilean audiences to whom I gave my show is not comparable to any other.

What a terrible disaster for Chile.

I can send money, and I will. Let me know the best ways to collaborate. Perhaps a personal or local level? Or a check to the largest institution?

This is no joke ... and not trying to be cruel, but if this earthquake had occurred just before Haiti's ...

Not all, but many Americans and telethons to raise funds with celebrities and have "fatigue earthquake." Not that I blame them, they do their best, but I think disaster relief should not be an issue for charities and individuals. It should be a global obligation.

Why there is a special global fund set aside to fulfill the basic needs of humanity when dealing with major disasters?

I venture to suggest that the answer is simple.


U.S. spends 40% of the taxes levied on its citizens in defense (weapons). About $ 1 trillion dollars per year. Why?

Why are you afraid of Saddam Hussein? Or Hugo Chavez? Or North Korea? Or France? Or Mexico? Or Nicaragua? Or Iran? Or Canada? Or Russia? Sorry, not Russia, are now our friends. Or China? Oops, sorry again ...

Anyway, I guess now you understand my point.

I heard that the cost of aid to rebuild your wonderful country is about $ 15 billion dollars, or 1.5% of the defense budget of U.S. Approximately 0.75% of the entire combined defense budget of all nations.

... Imagine a world in which we call common sense much more to give and deliver, they removed.

We'll have more joy to build than to destroy ....

More pleasure in loving to hate it ...

But ... unfortunately ... FEAR has an ally, GREED.

The fortunes made from the arms industry in developed nations defy belief.

We the people, foment wars through our acceptance of the doctrine that Dwight D Eisenhower called "the military industrial complex."

Of course it is not his idea but his advisers that he wrote his speeches!

However, he also said: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who are hungry and are not fed, those who are cold and are not sheltered .

There are many thousands now in Chile who hunger and are not fed, and many who are cold and are not sheltered.

We, the people, ordinary people are the ones who stole them all.

Your friend,

Roger Waters.

P.D. Where do I send the funds?

Jag nästan garvade ihjäl mig när jag läste, Or Iran? Or Canada? Or Russia? Sorry, not Russia, are now our friends. Or China? Oops, sorry again ...


Roger Waters, Pink Floyds sångare o basist från 1965 - 1983

God! I love Him!

Dagens Pink Floyd-låt Shine On Your Crazy Diamond

Postat av: M

sv: Precis! Det har du nog rätt i :) MAn kan lika gärna göra en egen..

2010-03-16 @ 01:36:19

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